Above the Peak of the Sky
by UnderDragon (Host), BluePari, paperlock, SDBnkaf, Kurose_Karasu, Inker, AfterDawn, Breaker-K, moshugu18, hoshiya kimu, 南冥, senri, Create_W, diandzer, foxpear, RikiUwU, DX3906
Played on 2025-2-20. (mod page)
my ratings
The visual style and colour scheme does not match at all with the majority of the rooms. This actually makes perfect sense, because the visual style was chosen randomly and applied to the whole map, after all the individual rooms were made. As for the gameplay, there are some extremely creative parts (The throwable clouds were incredible and so much fun to play around with), and several of the rooms also have very well made gameplay. Unfortunately, the quality is inconsistent at best. However, this is completely understandable since the rooms were mapped under a time limit as part of a mapping event. Even if this map is clearly lacking polish, its wonderful that the mappers got together and made this project.