Journeys of a Bygone Wanderer

by Fonda

Played on an unknown date. (mod page)

my ratings

Found in the medium lobby of the Secret Santa Collab 2024, this map stands out like a gemstone among the already incredible maps that make up the rest of the collab. Fonda makes use of many kinds of swap blocks throughout the map to make gameplay that both looks and feels incredible while also being extremely intuitive. The lack of complicated tech and approachable gameplay design makes many of the rooms sightreadable.

By the end of the first checkpoint, I was already amazed at the variety of flashy moves that Fonda had crafted. It feels like each room has its own distinct identity while at the same time is closely tied together with the rest of the map. Somehow, Fonda manages to keep this feeling that each room is unique throughout the entire length of the map, which is not by any means short.

As if that wasn't enough, this map also comes with a riveting story. Normally, I'm not one to pay too much attention to the story of Celeste maps. I always read the story, but it's secondary to the gameplay for me. Despite that, Journeys had me hooked from the beginning.

Top things off with an excellently selected soundtrack and you have my favourite map I've ever played.